15 Major benefits of eating apples

Research from Hirosaki University in Japan confirmed that the polyphenols in apples can inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells; while a study in Finland is more exciting, the flavonoids contained in apples are a highly effective antioxidant, which is not only the best blood vessel Cleansing agent but also the nemesis of cancer; the latest research from the French National Institute of Health Medicine shows that proanthocyanidins in apples can prevent colon cancer.
Apple contains more potassium, which can be combined with excess sodium salt in the body to make it excreted. When the body consumes too much sodium, eating some apples helps to balance the body’s electrolytes.
Lose weight
Apple contains all kinds of amino acids, proteins, various vitamins, minerals, and carotenes that are essential to the human body. It can basically meet the needs of the human body and is easy to digest and absorb.

Blood supplement
Iron must be absorbed under acidic conditions and in the presence of vitamin C, so eating apples has a better preventive effect on iron-deficiency anemia.
A research team from Cornell University in the United States immersed the brain cells of mice in a liquid containing quercetin and vitamin C and found that the brain cells’ antioxidant capacity was significantly enhanced. Compared with other vegetables and fruits, the quercetin contained in apples is the best. Therefore, for patients with Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s syndrome, apple is the best food.
Protect the heart
Eating apples can help “dissolve” blood vessels that cause heart disease-blood clots. Research from the University of California, Davis shows that eating two apples a day or drinking a glass of pure apple juice can reduce the amount of “bad cholesterol” in the blood and prevent arterial embolism. A European study also showed that people who regularly eat apples have a 40% lower rate of myocardial infarction than people who do not eat apples.

Prevent constipation
Put the apples and carrots in the water and cook them together. When cooked, take them with the water. Your baby’s stool will become soft and smooth again.
Whitening and beauty
The crude fiber in apple can promote gastrointestinal creep and is rich in trace elements such as iron and zinc, which can make the skin delicate and shiny, and play the role of beauty and slimming.
Clean your mouth
The organic acids and fruit acids in apples can kill bacteria in the mouth and protect teeth from tooth decay and gingivitis.

Delay aging
Apples are rich in magnesium, which can make the skin rosy, shiny and elastic, and delay aging.
Strengthen bones
Apple contains mineral elements boron and manganese that can enhance bone quality. A US study found that boron can significantly increase the concentration of estrogen and other compounds in the blood, these substances can effectively prevent calcium loss. Medical experts believe that if menopausal women can ingest 3 grams of boron per day, their calcium loss rate can be reduced by 46%. Menopausal women eat more apples, which is beneficial to calcium absorption and utilization, and prevents osteoporosis.
Lower cholesterol
French researchers have found through experimentation that eating apples can reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, increase bile secretion and bile acid function, and prevent cholesterol from forming gallstones in the bile. The experiment found that among people who regularly eat apples, more than 50% of the cholesterol content is 10% lower than those who do not eat apples.
Prevention of rickets
Apples are rich in minerals and multi-vitamins. Infants often eat apples to prevent rickets.
Improve immunity
Eating apples can help stimulate the production of antibodies and white blood cells and enhance disease resistance.

Smell the aroma of apple to relieve anxiety
Apple’s aroma is good medicine for depression and depression. Studies have shown that the taste of green apples can help eliminate anxiety, make people who are depressed become relaxed and happy, and the sense of depression disappears. Another study found that smelling the smell of apples can relieve the subject’s headache. The researchers speculate that this may be because the smell of apples can relax the muscles of the head and neck.